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Laser Cutting System

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Laser Cutting System  
Smooth & friction guided motion, high precision & high speed ball, long life & better load carrying capacity.
Precision movement imparted through ball screw mechanism. Supreme quality of ball screw to provide high accuracy and repeatability at high speed with low noise runner block.
User-friendly software for laser power and pulse frequency, pulse duration along with position control.
Nesting software to nest different types of jobs in single sheet and optimal use of raw material. Accommodation of different types of jobs from scrap material & common edge cutting. Complete material management through user-friendly software.


Adjusting preset height automatically. It helps to cut little sloppy (non-flat or non-linear) surface of sheet. Non-contact & contact types of versions are available.
Structural design is such that it can withstand heavy loads. Vibration pads are used for sustaining the structural damping.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
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